Gallery of Current Work

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Place it Poject - my last trip to Dinan

There was the most amazing chateaux on the stairs into Dinan. On our last walk into Dinan I felt like this was the place for Jan Fogel's art. I know nothing about the place only that it is beautiful. Someone will find this art on the gate because when you walk by it you have to go up to the gate and look through. Voila! What is this sitting on the gate here?

Ceci a été rendu par un artiste Américain. Si vous l'avez trouvé - c'est la vôtre. Faites-nous savoir vous l'avez trouvé en laissant un commentaire au

This was made by an American artist. If you found it - it's yours. Let us know you found it by leaving a comment

1 comment:

  1. Petit pliage intriguant trouvé il y a déjà quelques semaines au château de la Hunaudaye à Plédéliac.
